Thursday, December 5, 2013

A few more pics ♡♥♡♥♡♥

Rants of an outspoken escort. The other ladies think it, I'm just saying it. Explicit and Uncut

For those of you who have had the honor in meeting me, you're welcome.  Lol

For those who are skeptics and are too "vagina like" (aka a pussy) to give me a call,  grow some balls, or better yet, allow me to squeeze yours.  Lmao. Seriously though, man up; I don't bite hard.

Ohhhhh and of course, shout out to the men that live for a $40 special. . Get your life (slang for: get the fuck outta here and please don't call me.) I don't charge an arm and leg, though I prefer to go without the lint in your pockets. As I've previously stated in a former blog, we all have bills and in no way am I trying to rape your bank account. I just know what I bring to the table and the experience I offer is worth a few extra dollars.

Shout out to the men asking for 15min rates, yet they really need 30mins or an hour. Get your life! ! This leaves a nasty taste in my mouth, stop the cheapness and madness people, be FAIR. Stop expecting 5 star treatment with 1 1/2 star coins. .

Bad hygiene: NOT FUCKING COOL. I do not appreciate bad breath, musty balls, and funky asses. We are all GROWN. If I EVER had a smell,  you would be totally turned off, show me the same respect.  I understand getting off work and not being able to shower, I'm pretty cool about this and I have 2 showers you are free to use, hell at least wash up or ask for a baby wipe.  Remember, if you can smell you, I can too EVEN MORE. Duhhhh.

Regulars wanting a huge discount on a regular basis. wtf is wrong with you?? Ok, hear me out, let me paint you a beautiful picture. You walk into your workplace and your boss tells you, "We no longer want to pay you $25hr, we are now going to pay you $19hr. Your job  description remains completely the same and because you are valued we want to just pay you a few dollars less. Oh yeah, be happy you still have a check coming from this company and please go to work as if nothing has changed. .  Oh and please do your job with a smile.
On the flip side, I love building relationships and shit happens. If you are a little short occasionally,  that's cool,  let me know.  Don't try to hustle me, I hate it. Oh and regulars asking their rate amount every time is ANNOYING.  Jesus,  you know the Damn rate,  so STOP. Believe it or not,  I'm organized,  I keep up with these matters.

Some guys will read this and laugh, some will feel offended (then I'm definitely speaking to you), others will probably think I'm a total little bitch and this far from the truth. I'm sweet, I pinky swear ♥ Lastly, now you may be a tad more intimidated to meet me (get over it and call me, because I still have your attention. )

Always up for a debate, so call me if you would like to discuss my views. Lol
404.454.9742 Kandi